Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Soundtrack Of a Situation: DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU (Remembering Papa Chicho)

I really can't believe that is already 20 years since my Dad's departure!!

...And after all these years, this song brings memories of the saddest day of my life.

It's a Gloria Estefan song that was so popular (everywhere you go) during the Peruvian's winter of 1989.


Since the moment I got the bad news until the day of his funeral, I couldn't express all the pain and sadeness I felt during those oppressive days.

I found myself quiet, numb, feeling like walking with a grey cloud on top of my head after watching his body getting electroshocks in the Emergency Room.

The day of the burial, just minutes before his body was taken to the cemetery, I heard that song again thru the speakers of a far church located in the area of the funeral. And... That was it!! I broke down into tears and released all that anger and sadeness accumulated in my soul.

The lyrics of this song reminded me of the mournful days and most of all, the stupid argument that I had with him the day before he died. I was so angry!! I didn't want to talk to him.

Somehow, God wanted me to be the last person that he talked on the phone hours before his departing. He died of a heart attack in the late afternoon of August 25th of 1989 while celebrating a promotion that he got at his workplace.

My dad had an "unhealthy" heart of gold. He was a good man, a loyal husband and a loving father.

Papa Chicho, siempre estas en mis pensamientos y en mis oraciones y NUNCA TE OLVIDARE.
Me haces mucha falta! Te extranio mucho!

No matter what is the situation, Don't ever forget to say "I love you" to all your loved ones.
I'm not trying to be a cheese ball here but think about it! Perhaps tomorrow will be too late…

DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU - Gloria Estefan

Sometimes, it's hard
To make things clear
Or know when to face the truth
And I know that the moment is here

I'll open my heart
And show you inside
My love has no pride
I feel with you I've got nothing to hide

So open your eyes
And see who I am
And not who you want for me to be
I am only myself, myself

I don't wanna lose you now
We're gonna get through somehow
Don't wanna lose you now
Or ever

I've finally found
The courage to stand my ground
But if you want me, I'll be around

We all make mistakes
We all lose our way
But we've stood the test of time
And I hope that's the way it will stay

It's all up to you
To tell me to go
'Cause it won't be me to walk away
When you're all that I know

And I know...

That I don't wanna lose you now
We're gonna get through somehow
Don't wanna lose you now
Or ever

I've finally found
The courage to stand my ground
But if you want me, I'll be around
Forever, forever...

Don't wanna lose you, lose you now...


Unknown said...

Hey, Jorge...
... My heart goes to you(and him).
No matter how sudden- heart attack for yours; a plane crash for mine- death is always something capable of making us STOP and feel, hear the music, etc.
Much love,
Joao Mauricio

said said...

Sometimes I walk through the city lost in my thoughts. I find myself thinking about my past and my future. I think about people that have died. The last time I saw them. I think about my present and the people that support me. I think of old friends ...and you are one of them jorgre cereghino you are the the best Its amazing how some people just pass through your life and they affect you so much You lost a part of you. And even though .you know his "ok" ..

RON said...

My dear friend I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to lose a parent. Tonight I will say a prayer to our Lord for your Dad and all the loved ones we have lost. I know that someday we'll all be reunited with them again in heaven.

Con mucho carino

Rene Canales said...

I was at my cousin's house when my aunt gave me the news. Jorge's dad was one of the nicest man I ever met. He was always the judge of the disputes between Jorge and I. His ultimate goal was to preserve our friendship. In an opportunity Jorge and I did not talk for months. We kind of fix our differences later, but I will never forget his dad’s words that day: “You can lose your wife, your parents, even your religion, but never lose your friendship because it is the most beautiful thing God provides us.” When Mr. Chicho passed away I did not understand completely the magnitude of such a tragedy (I was young and immature), but years later I was in a beach listening FAST CAR (Tracy Chapman) and a wave of memories came back as a colossal flash back. Those memories were of Jorge’s dad…Then I realized that I was going to miss him forever.

Unknown said...

Pfff...Lamentablemente nunca conoci bien al viejo de Jorge, increiblemente somos amigos desde muy chicos (casi de toda la vida), pero la relacion con su padre fue casi la misma que con los otros padres de mis amigos a esa edad. Hola Señor; Buenas Tardes Señor; mientras lo veia mirando por la ventana del comedor en uno de esos innolvidables veranos de mi niñez.

Me impacto mucho recibir la noticia de la muerte del papá de Jorge, y recuerdo mucho el dia del entierro.

Hoy como padre me duele mucho mas que nunca el leer las palabras de mi amigo y la tristeza de no tener a su mejor amigo al lado (su padre).

Dale George, algun dia todos nos encontraremos en otro lugar, mientras tanto ten vivo a tu viejo en la memoria y en cada cosa que haces, que es en el recuerdo donde las personas que queremos se vuelven inmortales.

Tu amigo,